AGES 6-12

From the physical improvements to the enhancement of both kid's mental and spiritual well-being, Tae Kwon Do paves the way for kids to reach their peak potential. Learning martial arts skills, helps kids build up their physical strength and learn self-defense. Moreover, the martial arts movements and well-planned stretching from each age and physical conditioning will help growth, blood circulation and physical development.
Our kids martial arts program was designed to help your child achieve greater success in life by providing training designed to enhance physical, mental, and social development. In a 45-minute class, your child will participate in a series of drills and skills that work on developing strength, flexibility, and endurance while increasing coordination, reflexes, and athletic skills. Best of all, your child will love the excitement of learning Tae Kwon Do kicks, forms, and self-defense techniques because no two classes are alike. Kids will look forward to coming to each class, seeing their classmates and learning from their instructors. Chung's Martial Arts staff are experts at motivating children to give their best while keeping class fun.
Tae Kwon Do teaches your child valuable character traits according to the Tae Kwon Do tenets which are courtesy, respect, cooperation, commitment, and perseverance. The journey to a black belt is a unique and rewarding experience. As kids move through each of the colored belts, they will learn to set goals, building their self-esteem and self-confidence. Of course, there will be challenges along the way, but our staff is there to help guide them with a "never give up" attitude that will help them overcome the obstacle they are facing. Students will develop leadership skills and build strong friendships throughout their Tae Kwon Do training.